Monday, January 24, 2011

I'm so proud of you... really.

Yesterday, (it was "yesterday when I started writing this, but it took me over two weeks to make the picture collage) I spoke with our oldest daughter, Hayley.  She's away at school for the second semester of her freshman year at college.  It's been an adjustment for all of us to have her so far away.  I'm always glad to see my children progress in life and even move away from home, though that's hard, because that is as it should be.  Having Hayley home for the holidays was wonderful, but when she left it felt as if she were taking another piece of my heart with her. It seemed as if maybe it were a bit difficult for her, too.  Yesterday, when she called she said, "You would be so proud of me."  Then she proceeded to tell me of all that she had accomplished.  It was a great list.  I could see she had found her "sea legs" again and was moving forward with her life.

I'm not sure, but I think you have to have children of your own before you realize how proud your parents are of you ...for nothing.  You don't have to do anything to earn their pride. Oh, sure, they feel extra proud of you when you accomplish something or overcome something because of that extra effort you're making.  But, you don't have to earn their love or pride.  It's just because they love you so much and think you're so wonderful just being you.  And it's not to say that they don't worry about you sometimes, the choices you make, or people or paths you choose, but all in all, parents love you at all times and in all circumstances.  At least that's what I've felt and I know now that my parents felt the same. 

So, kids, you never have to wonder: I am so proud of you... really.
How could I not be proud?


The Diaries of a Wimpy Mom said...

Very cool collage! How in the world did you look so in tact after having a baby? Haha And I think you're right- well, I KNOW you're can't understand certain things in life without having children. They are amazing. I guess that's why we are supposed to become like them : )

Courtney said...

this is a very sweet post. of course i don't know, but i can imagine it's really hard having your first daughter go away to college. hayley impresses me so much though with her maturity. she really seems to have it together.

anyway, those are great pictures too! thanks for sharing :) i love seeing pictures of drew & everyone when they were little. it always makes me wonder what drew's & my kids will look like :)

Hayley Boushka said...

Aww thanks mom this was a really sweet post and i'm glad to know you're proud of me no matter what :) i just also like to make you proud with accomplishments too so hopefully I can do that...and thank you courtney thats very sweet of you to say though i don't really haha. I miss you a lot and can't wait to be with all the family again I love you!

elaine'smom said...

Elaine, You surely know by now that I always thought you were the most intelligent, beautiful person in the world! Sometimes your brothers were in awe of you (even , Larry, no matter what you think about his actions) I do wish I had had more children, especially when I see and hear about yours. I think I was too selfish. You know how you miss yours when they are gone--that is exactly how I feel. So eager to see you.